before applying, please make sure you have the following:
- a celebrity 18+ years of age and not already taken
- a username variation of your celebrity's legal name or stage name with no excessive missing letters and no numbers.
- at least one icon uploaded
- both a backdated friends only post and a screened post - you may friends lock these after acceptance
- at least two update/writing examples - media updates will not count
only two challenges, meaning 3 apps total, per role.
do not make the assumption that the mods know every celebrity's problematic behavior or past. if you think there's something we should know before approving a member's app, the responsibility is on the members to inform us. if there is a celebrity in apps and current members bring us evidence of problematic behavior from either the celebrity or the writer, and we are able to verify that evidence, we reserve to right deny that app. please refer to the "issues" section for more information about this.
we recommend enabling pms under your
settings in case we need to get ahold of you for whatever reason.
if you are rejected it is because we do not feel you would integrate with the community easily, which is not necessarily a fault of yours. if your application is deleted due to missing items, you will be notified beforehand.
after you are added, you have
one week to post an intro, and one week after it's posted to reply to most of the comments. intros can be either a standard intro of your choosing in
gab, or a lyrics post in
musical. please note that you may be removed for introing last minute if adds are done earlier that day. communication is key so if you plan on introing late, just let us know and we will be happy to work with you.
introductions that meet the requirements will count towards your first opt out!
members are required to update their journals once every calendar month on a date of their choosing and acceptable updates are:
- written updates, on any topic of your choice, consisting of at least 200 words or more (includes image hover text, survey questions, etc.)
- update passes, which are awarded for interacting in comments and posting on the friends page. once you're added, you can see how our points system works by going here! you may use a pass at any time (except for your first update or when reapplying) and they cannot be used twice in a row.
- opt outs: click here to find out information on opt outs!
members can only opt out twice in a row before either posting a written update or using a pass.
updates must be posted by
11:59pm est on the last day of the month in order to avoid removal. if you are added on or after the 15th of the month, you would only need to intro and reply to your comments and would need a proper update in the following month.
aside from updating your journal, we require our members to show activity outside of their storylines & friends circle. to avoid being overridden, members must:
- update your friends list at least once every two weeks
- respond to comments you receive on any post within one week
- post in a subcomm or leave 15 comments on different posts in a four week period
it is safe to assume that any interactions with your slp would not count toward your comment count or activity requirements. if you are interacting with more than just your slp, then this won't apply to you. please see the
"overrides" section for more information.
extensions give you a maximum of up to
seven days from the last day of the month.
hiatuses give you a maximum of up to
four weeks from your last update and are similar to a leave of absence, meaning you should not be showing any activity during your hiatus.
hiatus approval will depend on either both hiatus & activity history. essentially, if you frequently go on hiatus
and your activity is bare minimum to prevent removal while you are here, we may not approve hiatuses for you.
more information regarding hiatuses and extensions can be found in the
member post once you are added.
before you are able to override, we ask that you check with us via pm or the
dropbox to verify the person you are trying to override doesn't have an extension, hiatus, or communicated with us about slow activity. members may be overridden based on the following:
- their friends list is outdated by two weeks or more
- more than half of their comments have gone unanswered for a week or more on their last post
- the member hasn't posted in a subcomm or left 15 comments to different posts in the previous four week period**
- if an override is approved, the challenger has 24 hours to apply! if the person in question has not fixed the issue, you can ask to override again
**overrides pertaining to friends page activity can be reversed if the current member provides evidence within 48 hours of the override approval.
➙ QUESTION: what is the 48-hour rule?
ANSWER: the 48-hour rule is where if a current member can provide evidence of their activity to the mods if they believe an override was incorrectly approved for their role within 48 hours. the current member would need to show proof of having posted & replied to the majority of comments in a subcomm post or show us 15 comments within the prior four weeks to different posts prior to the override approval! any activity conducted after the override is approved would not count as evidence. this means we will hold off on adding any overriding app until the 48 hour period is up to allow the current member the appropriate time to get back to us. as stated in the activity section, if you haven't posted in a subcomm and all your comments are to a slp, we may still approve the override.
➙ QUESTION: can an override approval be reversed?
ANSWER: if the member provides us evidence showing that they were within the activity guidelines prior to the override approval within a 48 hour window, we reserve the right to reverse the approval.
➙ QUESTION: what if the member takes longer than 48 hours or can't prove they were active?
ANSWER: if the member fails to get back to us in time or cannot provide evidence, the current member can reapply and challenge (assuming there aren't 3 apps in already) to keep their role. we will take previous activity into account when determining who will get in.
please note: just because you are a current member, even an active member, that will not guaruntee your spot back. the best way to avoid being in this position is doing what you know you need to do to maintain your spot or communicating with us when you aren't able to maintain it due to outside factors.
exceptions can always be made as long as communication remains open. removing/ban_setting members won't make you eligibile for override status, nor will communicating with us that you may not be able to post on the friends page.
removals are done at the end of each month. if you fail to update or intro by the due date, you will be removed. if you are removed and reapply within a two month period, you are still required to update before being readded.
if you are removed for failing to update, any opt out you earned is no longer valid and you cannot return with a pass. additionally, if you do not reapply by the next set of adds, you will forfeit any points and passes you may have earned previously.
you may be temporarily banned if you are removed for breaking any rules depending on the circumstances. unless specified otherwise by a mod, you may reapply after one month (four weeks) to try again. a repeat removal for specific offenses may result in a permanent ban.
if we get too many complaints of one member with ban_sets against them and we feel it's not targeted, we have the right to remove members for this!
"can i hide my friends list/userinfo with the noembed trick?" no! your friends list should be visible at all times so we can make sure it is up to date.
"if i update and reapply, do i need to intro again?"
it is optional, but no, not required!
"can i remove someone from my friends list so they can't see my updates?" yes! if the need arises you may, just let us know who so we can be aware if an issue or complaint arises.
"can i be eligible for override if my fl is out of date by 1-2 people?" because ij has technical issues regarding the button from time to time, we would need to see a clearly out of date friends list to approve the override based on this.
"will i get removed if i don't drop off any subcomm posts or comments to the opt out drop off? " currently, we are not going to be removing people for failing to meet activity requirements. they are put in place so that if someone wants to override you, members have a way to gauge what we expect from them to avoid being eligible for override. if someone asks about an override, the activity mod will go back through the last four weeks of posts and manually count the comments/posts without you needing to drop them off. if this system presents flaws to the mod team over time, we may change this but would make sure the members were clearly aware of that change if/when the time came.
there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to any kind of discrimination or harassment. the point of this hobby is for people to escape their real lives and the stresses that come along with it, and our job as mods is to make sure we are giving them the space to do that.
harassment: behavior towards a person that causes mental or emotional suffering, which includes repeated unwanted contacts without a reasonable purpose, insults, threats, ridicule or mockery, and offensive language.
➙ QUESTION: what is the mod team's stance about ic issues/drama/fights?
ANSWER: ic issues/disagreements/drama are not instances where it would be appropriate for mods to intervene unless there is an element of harassment as stated above. before approaching the mods, unless the issue is urgent and requires immediate action, please try methods of blocking the member from apps or banning them from your journal to prevent escalation. if you feel those methods are not helping your situation, come to the mods with the assumption that we will require proof before we take any sort of extreme action against a member.
➙ QUESTION: what do you expect from members?
ANSWER: we expect members to act with the best intentions. if you are found to be intentionally disrespectful to other members or mods, consequences will occur ranging from a warning all the way to removal depending on the severity. everyone has their own way of roleplaying, and if their way of roleplaying doesn't involve being excessively disrespectful and/or toxic to others, we will allow them to interact as they want. beyond this, we also ask that members keep in mind triggering topics of discussion and appropriately indicate trigger warnings both on the fp and in private messages.
➙ QUESTION: there's someone in apps that i don't agree should be accepted. what do i do?
ANSWER: in order for us to deny entry of an app'd celebrity, we would need current members to provide irrefutable evidence of either problematic celebrity behavior or writer behavior. keep in mind, the harder it is to verify whatever information a member provides, the harder it will be for us to take extreme action. for example, if several anonymous comments/journals tell us they are uncomfortable with an app'd celebrity, we would not be able to verify those comments are coming from several different members. if several members logged in to their celeb member's journal let us know, it would be much easier to verify.
every situation is different, and we will make decisions on a case-by-case basis.
note from the mods
the new mod team is compromised of three mods who are anonymous to each other, apart from nicknames that hide our identities.
- one mod is in charge of adds/removals.
- one mod is in charge of member communications and tracking member activity.
- one mod is in charge of keeping track of points.
we mods will discuss every app challenge, app rejection, and issue that is brought to the mod team.
when one of us is busy or otherwise "out of office", the other two will step in handle that mod's duties.
this community has been around for over a decade, and we recognize that is because of the dedication of the members. while we may not have been "elected" for this position, we are trying to provide an environment that the members can feel secure in as long as they're putting effort into their role.
mistakes are bound to occur, especially as we get used to our new roles. if you feel like we have made an error, please bring this information to us with the assumption that it is an honest error unless we confirm otherwise.
we all know when we're giving effort and when we're not. as long as you're communicating with us about the reason why you're not being as active before someone inquires about your role, we are not here to replace the active members of the community at the drop of a hat.